About Us Prime Painting and Solutions

Dedicated Painting Professional

5+ Years, Licensed Painter

Satisfaction Guarantee & Quality
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The Remodel Painting Professionals
We Paint What You Want In The Time You Need
Prime Painting & Solutions did great work, we're very professional and cleaned up after themselves.
David and his team were amazing, on all levels! They arrived on time, if not early and were efficient, professional, courteous, and knowledgeable.
They did an excellent job! Very professional. Showed up when they said they would and completed job on time. The price was great compared to others I had gotten.
Meet David Minnick
As leaders in the painting industry, Prime Painting & Solutions operates with a dedicated team approach focused on serving their clients. Their goal is not just to complete a project but to earn customers' trust and become their go-to partners for all customer painting needs. The team is committed to delivering top-notch results that meet and exceed every expectation, ensuring satisfaction at every step.
We understand the importance of your home or property, so we approach each project with care and precision. Whether it's refreshing the look of your interior spaces or enhancing your property's curb appeal, we're here to guide you through the process and bring your vision to life.
David is a devoted husband to Bridgette and father to their two children, Makenzie and Kaiden. They enjoy spending time together as a family, riding their ATVs through the Georgia mountains.